Build Your 7+ Figure Advisory Practice With:


Grow your practice faster with the frameworks, systems, and proven strategies of one of the nations top planning practices.

What is "The Practice Accelerator"?

With ~8 hours of virtual-workshop curriculum, this guided journey will reveal the keys 
to MASTERING each foundational element of building a top, 
multi-7-figure financial advisory practice.

The material is designed to meet you EXACTLY WHERE YOU ARE to support 
breakthrough growth, planning for today with the end in mind, and building 
for scale AND sustainability from the very beginning.


Hi, I'm Christy Charise. After over a decade as the COO for Saugatuck Financial (a Top National, 5-Star Pathfinder, comprehensive Financial Planning Practice), I returned to my strategy consulting roots and founded Strategic Advisor - a coaching and strategy consulting firm committed to the growth and result achievement of financial advisors and their teams.

I've had the privilege of contributing to the strategic growth of dozens of award winning practices through smart, efficient, practical systems and strategies purposefully designed to be relevant, scalable and easy to implement. 

I hope you'll join our Practice Accelerator Family of advisors and can't wait to support your success! 

Balance Running the Business You Have...
Building the Business You Actually Want… 

In todays world where even your coffee is personalized, having a high-touch, customized financial planning approach is critical, regardless of your target market.

But with life’s daily demands, it can feel impossible to run your business

AND spend time creating that type of tailored client experience...

AND find enough time to work ON your business... so you can strategically grow your client base and business thoughtfully...

AND still have a life...

Let alone also invest time establishing the systems and strategies needed to set yourself up for efficient, scalable growth tomorrow.  

If you have yet to build a world-class team, you might also struggle with all the various hats you need to wear...

Or knowing just how to stand out from other advisors...

Or how to consistently deliver a world class client experience that's 100% repeatable for every client, but still feels personal.

I know for me, it often felt like I'd wake up with a strategic agenda, but the moment I sat down and opened my email, it became an entrepreneurial groundhog day of reacting to a million demands... 

And I'd end the day exhausted, but no further along strategically than where I started.

If any of this sounds familiar, you are not alone.  

With so many urgent demands today, how are you supposed to prioritize building for tomorrow over the urgent demands today?   Even if it were crystal clear what to build first (which it often is not). 

Fortunately, you CAN finally get clarity on where you should focus, how to prioritize initiatives and start to see statistically significant results...

The Practice Accelerator not only leads you through each fundamental element to building a 7+ figure practice.  It helps you create a system of improvement that will allow you to continue to evolve your practice the same way we have every year for 10+ years… 

And all without the overwhelm of having to try to figure it all out yourself! 

...sound interesting?  

It gets even better...

In the past, it's taken me weeks, or even months, to deliver these frameworks to my private coaching clients... and at a significant hourly cost...

But we've made it easy to get the benefit of the information...

At a fraction of the cost...

And 100% at your own convenience - any time of day!  

You can knock it all out in just one immersion-style, home-workshop weekend, if you'd like!

We've included everything needed to support your success...

...and we make it as EASY as possible to fit it into your already busy life.

The Online Program Includes:

  • 8+ Hours of Fast Paced, On-Point Content: This content is deliberate, current and efficient; you will NOT sit through 3 hours of talking for a point that could've taken 10 minutes with this course
  • Modern, Intuitive Online Portal: All your resources in one easy to navigate, easy to access place
  • Downloadable Worksheets: Templates, worksheets and planning materials are done for you and easy to download and print
  • Workshop Style Exercises: specifically designed to meet each advisor wherever they are in the building process, the coursework triggers self-reflection, reveals insight and drives RESULTS

For A Limited Time, Get These Additional Bonuses!

1. Teaming For Success Mini-Module (a mini "highlights reel" from our Team Accelerator course)
2. A "Getting Results" Course Summary Module and Implementation Action Plan
3. 30-minute coaching call* with Christy Charise (worth $600) 

* must have finished course curriculum and use within 3 months of purchase
The material starts at the beginning with the end in mind: your long-term vision for your practice, the why behind it, and the shorter-term goals needed to get there.  

But we go way past the surface level "why"... and get to the heart of what creates motivation and inspiration, so you're fired up.  And STAY fired up - on even the toughest days.

We also create a specific plan to implement the small changes, that when executed consistently, enable dramatic results in your practice... all without creating overwhelm!

I'll show you exactly how we've used these same strategies, frameworks and tools in our own 7+ figure practice so it's even easier to get these elements into play in your practice, one step at a time rather than trying to figure out how to start with the overwhelming task of building something that's evolved over a decade.  

Now I fully realize that many coaching programs don’t generate significant results... 

...some coaches have great high level frameworks and approaches, but don't know the specific tactics and strategies that work in our business, because they've never put them to work themselves or their strategies stop working at a certain level of success; and we all know that what got you here, won't get you there...

...others focus exclusively on mindset and attitude... which matters.  A LOT!  Don't get me wrong!  But results are built from actions, not just thinking, affirmations and manifestation alone.
...Still others rely on tactics and strategies that worked 20 years ago, but that are now dated and ineffective. 

You won't find ANY of that here... 
  - We've achieved the results we teach
  - We're light on the kumbaya
  - And our strategies are current, proven, and used successfully in our business daily!

I've taken over two decades of professional experience... the knowledge, systems and strategies that helped create a 7-figure practice in our first 4 years in the business... and the ones that continue to grow our practice by more than 20% per year today...

And I show you step-by-step how to implement the same proven plans, frameworks and strategies in your business.  

We cover everything you need to know to kick-start your practice:
- from digging deep and finding your primary motivations
- to harnessing that passion into daily consistency
- to having proven, systematic approaches to client building and prospecting
- to building repeatable systems for efficiency
- to understanding the balance of practice strategy
- to mastering the psychological elements that enable the resilience needed to succeed and grow without self sabotage. 

No major element is left out! 

The modules include EACH of 6 fundamentals required to build a solid, efficient, scale-able financial advisory practice... that doesn't sacrifice providing a world-class client experience.

And, as Michael Jordan is quoted, "The minute you get away from fundamentals... the bottom can fall out of your game, your schoolwork, your job, whatever you're doing."   

These are the critical, foundational pieces it's taken over a decade to pull together... 

Consolidated all in one place...

And provided in an elite, easy-to-consume format.

The 6 Fundamental Course Modules Include:

Fundamentals, Vision & Goal Setting
Prospecting & Client Building
Practice Management Shortcuts
Practice Strategy & Time Management
System Design
Mental Mastery

Here's a deeper "sneak-peak" of a few 
 of the modules above:

Prospecting & Client Building

  • ​​Learn which sales style works best in your sales process
  • ​​Understand my sales framework for closing with confidence
  • ​​​Define your target market and how to use that in your sales strategy
  • ​​Discover the tools and tactics you need to make prospecting reliable and systematic

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Build Systems and Leverage in Your Practice

  • ​Follow my proven framework for understanding how to prioritize where you spend time in your practice
  • ​Learn the fundamentals to building repeatable, efficient systems (this is teach a man to fish style learning, so you can continue to build long after our time together is done)

Mental Mastery

  • ​Learn what's behind the mental stamina of top producers 
  • ​​Understand how to reframe limiting beliefs and master your mental state - even on the worst days 
  • ​Ignite stamina and excitement in your business and enthusiasm to grow the practice you deserve! 

This is not the same material you've heard before!
But don't just take my word for it! 
See what other advisors have to say... 

There are more examples on the next page too!  
Go ahead - Click "Yes" below to

Do Not Waste Another Day Wishing You Had Made 
This Investment!

In literally minutes, you could be on your way to creating your own highly-profitable, highly-impactful practice...

...without trialing and testing, because we have already done that hard work for you! 

Why risk more slow and potentially unsuccessful trial and error, when you can follow step-by-step guidance that will set you up for success from the start?  

This plan is proven and is simple to follow... 

...allow me the privilege of helping support your growth and guiding you in the right direction. 

And, while the price reflects that of a serious advisor... I've designed it to deliver multiple times it's cost in value to your practice. 

My coaching clients pay over $500/ hour for the material in this training. And you'll not only have instant and lifetime access to the 7+ hours of training content (> $3,500 in value), BUT gain access to the program

...for JUST $1,997! 

We've paid more for seminars with a fraction of 
the content.

But unlike a one-time seminar, you'll have unlimited access to review and revisit the tools and strategies to grow your practice - available at your convenience, no travel, no tie, no shoes required. 
Heck - complete it pants-free (at home) if you want! 
(Though we do suggest pants... you know... just in case.)

While most of my clients would have no trouble growing their successful practice on their own, they also understand the value in investing to ultimately save time, money and sleepless nights by learning shortcuts and formulas for growing a profitable, award- winning practice faster than they could on their own... with less trial and fewer costly errors... and in generating more raving fan clients in the process!    

The choice is yours.  

If you want to get started, click the 'Add To Cart' button below and add The Practice Accelerator as your secret weapon to growth...

We can't wait to help you get started!

Yes!  I Want Access To
The Practice Accelerator Course!

Your Questions Answered...

Is there a guarantee?

Yes... we offer a 14-day doing guarantee. 

If you complete the first 3 modules and don't receive massive value in this training, just email to let me know and I will refund you. If you are at all worried about whether this material will be relevant for you, I'd like to remove the risk and make it a no-brainer for you.  

Either get the tools you need to get the results you want or you get your money back. It's as simple as that! 

How long will it take to get access?

You'll receive immediate access! 

An email with the link and your personal log in credentials to access the Practice Accelerator will be sent directly to your email inbox within the hour.  Access is yours to keep!  Watch it once or watch it over and over to keep improving and growing your practice (which has been the key to our becoming a 5 Star Pathfinder Practice... constant and never ending improvement!)

Why $1,997?

If you're thinking "why $1,997?" Here are three reasons:

1. Previously this material was only available to my private coaching clients (many of whom have doubled or even tripled their premium in the first year following working with them). Many made Forum for the first time and several have walked the stage at Eastern Regional or Annual Meeting. Now I can't promise you'll have these results.  Heck - I can't promise you'll even open the portal.  In fact, statistics make me  sure that some who sign up won't see any results at all, because statistics also show that not everyone will rock up and do the work.  I can't possibly ensure you'll take the massive, imperfect action required to see results... that part is on you! But my goal in creating and pricing this course was to make the material typically reserved for my highest paying private coaching clients, accessible and affordable to more advisors across the network - both for the impact it can have for advisors and their teams, but also to improve the quality of experience for their clients, who also benefit from better run practices and happier, less stressed advisors! 

2. The price filters out freebie-seekers, as we are only interested in supporting serious advisors who are ready to take action, willing to roll up their sleeves, capable and willing to invest in their own practice and eager to do the work required to grow! The pricing makes sure we only get those who are serious and committed to investing in themselves and their businesses!  

3. Last, I've tested it. For those who implement just 3 strategies from this training, I am CONFIDENT you'll see returns WELL beyond the investment. I firmly believe that once you get into the training and see the insights and distinctions, you'll also see how much of a massive impact it can have on your thinking and your business.   


There's no fine print, no hidden costs and no catch. Just the information you need and the results you want.

Click Below To Get Instant Access To The 'Practice Accelerator': 


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